Something good came: Bukunminsead
I started my MBA at INSEAD in January 2024 and it has been one of the best decisions in my life.
This is a long overdue article.
Articulating my experience has been quite challenging due to the multitude of events happening simultaneously. Which story do I tell? But sitting in the Henry Dorriot library this rainy afternoon in Fontainebleau, I thought to put pen to paper.
MBA or nothing
I had always wanted to do an MBA because I am passionate about creating, solving tough problems and making money (surprise!!!). So even though it meant I had to write the GRE four different times, I did not care. I wanted an MBA and it had to be in a top school. That was clear and that was all I obsessed over.
I am now in INSEAD, the second-placed MBA in the world according to the Financial Times. It has been a roller coaster of fun times, intense learning, emotions and challenges.
From familiar courses like financial analysis and modelling to unfamiliar territories like prices and markets (my least favorite course by the way), It has been an upward sloping learning curve. More than passing the exams, learning core business principles has been my goal and so far so good.
Learning transcends the confines of academics; it encompasses the broader spectrum of life experiences. And I am experiencing that.
Speed and accuracy (maybe)
At the orientation, someone said life in INSEAD was like drinking from a fire hose and I have never found a metaphor so true. Everything is happening all at once. Combining academics with networking, recruitment and at the same time trying to create memories has been insane.
Move fast else you would miss the deadline.
Time is a paradox here — it runs fast and slow. I am only in my third month, and it feels like 3 years already. There is the calendar year and there is the MBA year. Time is a valuable currency as every second, minute and hour is meticulously accounted for.
A lot can happen in a year as many things has already happened in three months.
Also, my calendar app is now my most used app and adept time management has become a necessary skill.
Diversity (I could write a whole article about this)
I have always wanted to build a global career, but I was not at all prepared for the level of diversity that INSEAD presented me. There are over 70 nationalities in the cohort. I have met people from all over the world with different interesting cultures and I love every bit of it. This is one of the most exciting and equally challenging facts about INSEAD. I have learnt that while I am not that special, I am unique so is everyone I meet.
You would have questions about your identity or experience but there is no better time than to “Love Yours” like Mr. J. Cole admonished.
Diversity comes not only in terms of race but also personalities and approaches to work, especially with so many A-type personalities in the MBA. Having a strong identity of self and a willingness to learn has been my strategy.
Great People
Amidst the whirlwind, I’ve had the privilege of encountering some of the brightest minds on the planet, learning from exceptionally intelligent lecturers, and forming valuable friendships.
I miss my friends and family.
And wild Lagos parties especially “south socials”. Parties here are…. (rolls eyes*)
Reflecting on my journey, I feel myself changing. My perspective is shifting, and the evolution continues.
However, the vision remains the same: to contribute to the economic prosperity of Africa and the world by funding impactful and innovative ideas.