Hello world,
My name is Bukunmi. I do not have any nick name and my name cannot be shorter than that so have fun giving me all sorts like others before you have.
I am the laziest writer I have ever met. Writing is really hard, I must confess. Kudos to everyone who overcame the inertia. I have lots of stories, articles, blogposts, tweets and speeches that have died in my head. I love the end results of writing but the process is not as enjoyable as writers and authors make it seem.
Apart from the mental stress that comes with writing, I think writing strips you. You know that feeling of walking naked on the streets and everyone sees your scars, folds and black bombom (laughs), that’s the way I feel about writing. The streets are not nice and it’s just cold outside.
When I write, I feel a part of me is exposed. My mind is bare and I feel everyone can see through me. For someone who doesn’t like the spotlight and everything that comes with it, this has been a major challenge for me. I love to remain a mystery.
But maybe it’s time to release my nudes without fears. I am not unaware of the consequences- mind shaming, backlashes, criticisms and disagreements. I am also aware of the minds that will connect with mine. And because this life is just one, why not just live it the way you want…
There is nothing deep to share, do not expect mysteries. There might be almost no big grammar or excellent delivery matching the writers of our day. This is just me, stripping.
I hope to be consistent and I hope I won’t cower.
Welcome to my strip club!
Ps: Writing this was easier than I thought